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Portraits, Uncategorized

October 11, 2012

Beach Family Shoot

Are they not the most adorable little family! For my first beach shoot everything went extremely well despite the many factors you can run into at the beach. The lighting was perfect, the wind was barely blowing, and  it wasn’t a million degrees outside. Little miss wanted to get in the water so bad, but we were able to get some really wonderful shots before she was dripping wet, but happy. One very valuable thing that I learned is if  you are going to be doing a shoot anywhere near salt water or sand, make sure you have filters for your lenses! At the end of the session my uncovered lens was coated in the sea spray. Ensue major panic attack. Luckily I had my trusty Lenspen and it cleaned it right off. They are honestly worth every penny and will not scratch or damage your lens like many of the wipes and sprays on the market can. So for the sake of your lenses and your health, purchase some filters for your lenses and a Lenspen to clean them up!

For the complete set, visit my Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/erinayres/sets/72157631330022238/!

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