Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut ullamcorper libero. Cras lacinia aliquet mauris, nec semper enim vulputate vitae. Mauris nec nisi congue sem suscipit lacinia nec eget libero. Integer bibendum, mi eu pretium sagittis, arcu dui gravida elit, vel aliquam odio ante eu lectus. Curabitur id vehicula ex. 


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Hannah – Junior Prom

Oh gosh, I’m starting to feel really old writing this. Two weekends ago my sister went to her junior prom and if you follow my work, I use my sister as a model a lot! She’s always a good sport about the crazy ideas and notions that I come up with in my photographic journeys. […]

May 22, 2013

Portraits, Uncategorized

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