Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut ullamcorper libero. Cras lacinia aliquet mauris, nec semper enim vulputate vitae. Mauris nec nisi congue sem suscipit lacinia nec eget libero. Integer bibendum, mi eu pretium sagittis, arcu dui gravida elit, vel aliquam odio ante eu lectus. Curabitur id vehicula ex. 


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Film Fix – Impossible Project

  This post is for all of you Polaroid lovers out there that yearn for the days where you could just run to Walmart and pick up a pack of film and go on your merry way. Heck, my grandmother was still using her Polaroid when affordable digital cameras came into the picture. They are […]

June 13, 2013

Film, Uncategorized

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