Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut ullamcorper libero. Cras lacinia aliquet mauris, nec semper enim vulputate vitae. Mauris nec nisi congue sem suscipit lacinia nec eget libero. Integer bibendum, mi eu pretium sagittis, arcu dui gravida elit, vel aliquam odio ante eu lectus. Curabitur id vehicula ex. 


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Film Fix – Monticello/Natural Bridge

I shot this roll of 35mm Kodak Tri-X film almost three years ago, and never got time to develop it in the darkroom when I was at school. It sat around in my film locker and room for a while so I finally decided to get it developed. So, I saw that some other photographers who […]

June 21, 2013

Film, Uncategorized

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